This movie is a scam!

Don't be fooled by the cover. I bought this movie because I am a fan of Ong-Bak and The Protector. As soon as the movie started I was dissappointed. The voice-overs were absolutely horrendous and the captions would not even come close to what you actually heard. But stillI thought it has Tony Jaa in it so the fighting will probably be good.!!Wrong!! In one of the reviews it says that Tony Jaa was at the end. I never even saw him at any point in the entire movie. As a matter of fact the pictures on the packaging are from Ong-Bak. On the inside casing it has a picture of Jaa's mentor Rittikrai and on the opposite side it has a picture of him again with Jaa's head pasted on. You can tell because they're wearing the same jacket. A jacket that Rittikrai is the only one to wear in the movie.Tony Jaa's name never even appears in the credits.
Unless you like to buy things that are an absolute liestay very far away from this product. Hopefully the companies that have been fooled into selling this product become aware of it and seek retribution on the people who fabricated this scam.More detail ...